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I label this level 3 or global listening - it's a chance to read what's not been said, to rely on gut reactions, to use your sixth sense, to make use of intuition. That way you can understand when the customer is originating from. Level 1 and 2 listening is as far as many of us go - level 1 is selfish listening in something everything you hear gets related to your personal experiences and for ones purposes. Level 2 is listening or active listening and appreciating your customer's point of view.
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The Chan See Shu Yuen Clan Association is an association for the 'Chan' kin. People with the surname Tan, Chan and Chen all are part of this clan, as the Mandarin character for these names is the similar. Chan is a really common Chinese surname and most come from Guangzhou in China. A contact Chan Family Ancestral Temple in Guangzhou, and 1 is modelled after the idea. That is why you see similar Cantonese architecture and art. Work began in 1896, and it took 10 years to carry out.